You can use this method to make tea concentrate for glasses of tea or pitchers of tea. Just determine how much tea you want to end up with and use the number of tea bags for that amount. This is how I make enough for 4 glasses of iced tea.
4 tea bags
1 pint water
pint jar
I'm using 4 teabags because I like one bag per glass. Put them in the jar and pour the hot/boiling water over top. Let steep as long as you like. I usually just go about my business and come back to it when I get time. Remove the tea bags and fill the jar with cold water if needed. Store in the fridge. To make a glass of tea I just pour 1/4 of the jar over ice and fill up with cold water. Sometimes I sprinkle in a little sugar free drink mix powder for extra flavor.
If you sweeten your tea with sugar dissolve it in the jar with the hot water before adding the tea bags, then proceed as usual. If you use sugar substitute since it usually dissolves easily in cold water you can add it after it steeps or even as you make each glass.
When I make this for a gallon of tea I use a quart jar and only make enough concentrate for one gallon of finished tea per jar. If making 1/2 gallon pitchers I'd probably use a pint jar instead.
YouTube Let's Cook Video
You can use this method to make tea concentrate for glasses of tea or pitchers of tea. Just determine how much tea you want to end up with and use the number of tea bags for that amount. This is how I make enough for 4 glasses of iced tea.
4 tea bags
1 pint water
pint jar
I'm using 4 teabags because I like one bag per glass. Put them in the jar and pour the hot/boiling water over top. Let steep as long as you like. I usually just go about my business and come back to it when I get time. Remove the tea bags and fill the jar with cold water if needed. Store in the fridge. To make a glass of tea I just pour 1/4 of the jar over ice and fill up with cold water. Sometimes I sprinkle in a little sugar free drink mix powder for extra flavor.
If you sweeten your tea with sugar dissolve it in the jar with the hot water before adding the tea bags, then proceed as usual. If you use sugar substitute since it usually dissolves easily in cold water you can add it after it steeps or even as you make each glass.
When I make this for a gallon of tea I use a quart jar and only make enough concentrate for one gallon of finished tea per jar. If making 1/2 gallon pitchers I'd probably use a pint jar instead.
YouTube Let's Cook Video